The Health Bitch

Do you notice the rustling of leaves anymore? When was the last time you squinted your eyes and felt the warmth of a sporty sunny afternoon? Well, don’t you think it’s time we bring back those memories and switch to a holistic lifestyle?

Honestly, we can’t blame you! Through 100,000 years of innovation, from inventing chairs made of stones to building intricate electronic devices, science has brought us a long way. Over this unnoticed gradual transition, we’ve forgotten the joy of cooking holistic foods, using natural herbs, and living a better life in general.

Here’s how a simple switch to a natural holistic lifestyle can bring incredible changes into your life.

But — Why a Natural Holistic Lifestyle, Anyway?

It isn’t about moving back to the old ways of hunting and gathering, or eating certain kinds of diets. A natural holistic lifestyle is a complete solution to feeling, eating and living the way YOU really want to live. So, there are no set-in-stone rules you must follow.

A holistic lifestyle tackles every area of life and nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Here are some benefits you can expect if you decide to make the switch:

7 Steps to a Natural Holistic Lifestyle

Here are 7 simple steps that’ll help you adopt a natural holistic lifestyle.

#1. Organize Your Life

While staying up overnight and cramming for exams with a jug of caffeine juice might sound ideal to many, it’s not healthy or holistic. When you organize your life, you’re able to manage time, perform better and find opportunities to live on the edge at the same time!

To organize every area of your life and stay consistent with it, create a schedule for upcoming weeks in advance. Take charge of every area. For example, decide your meals, determine what new skills you’d learn, include important tasks and recreation time into your routine, take some time out for personal care and wellbeing.

Before you move forward and try to organize everything at once, you must know what you’re trying to change. We can only guide you so far, as every person needs a unique approach which complements their current lifestyle.

#2. Shop Healthy

You know how deceiving a product’s packaging can be. You’re billing for groceries and you see those sugar-loaded sweets next to the counter. The moment you pick one, its heavy weight and smooth packaging reminds you of gold ingots. Well! Don’t trust their appearance!

Choose a diet you could stick to and reward yourself with things that improve your overall wellbeing! Check out our store to find world-class, holistic and all-natural herbs that’ll help rejuvenate your skin, relax your mind, and relieve muscle pain. 

#3. Read books And Learn New Things

Experts say reading plays an important role in learning, developing focus, and nurturing calmness in your mind. As you read something, you employ the creative and imaginative parts of your brain and strengthen them with use.

#4. Sleep Well

Mind gets better with use but only when it’s restful. Make sure that you’re sleeping enough and not overworking. Many experts say consuming caffeine after 2 PM negatively affects your circadian rhythm. So, if you take caffeine beverages after 2 PM, use some holistic CBD herb oil in them. So, besides mental alertness from caffeine, you will feel calm and focused.

#5. Incorporate Exercise or Yoga Into Your Routine

Exercise helps regulate energy, reduces health risks, strengthens your bones and muscles and improves overall health! Taking some time out every day and starting with small workout sessions is key to staying fit.

Regular exercise is important, but it doesn’t have to be boring. You can play sports, join a dance club, go hiking and trekking with friends—There are so many options! And if you use CBD products, you don’t have to worry about sore muscles and cramps! Rub on some CBD creams (packed with holistic all-natural herbs) for instant relief, so you can enjoy your journey without problems.

#6. Take Breaks

You can easily forget about yourself when you’re focused on managing and navigating through different tasks throughout the day. Don’t beat yourself up for missing a deadline you’ve set! As long as you’re focused, organized and you’re making quick decisions and sticking to them, you’re doing great! 

So, amidst all the ruckus, don’t forget to give yourself some “me time”. Take a break! And if you want to melt out of relaxation, do this! Brew some green tea, heat your bathtub and optionally pop a holistic herb CBD bath bomb to 10x your relaxation! Just make sure you don’t fall asleep in the tub.

#7. Do Self-journaling

One of the best ways to improve little-by-little, track performance, improve communication skills and reduce stress and anxiety is through self-journaling. It helps you reminisce and face your shortcomings head on.

Conclusion – Holistic Lifestyle

If you feel overwhelmed, don’t make drastic changes immediately. A holistic lifestyle is solely made for your wellbeing, so it must serve its purpose. Understand your needs and devise your own strategy for holistic living.

Furthermore, as long as you’re moving forward toward a healthier lifestyle, even baby steps can give you your ideal physique, healthy body or longer lifespan! Just ensure that you’re staying committed to it! And if you wish to make your journey much more rewarding, visit our store! We deliver some of the best all-natural holistic herbs!

That’s it for this one! Want to read more?

  1. What is CBD? What are its benefits?
  2. The Endocannabinoid System and How it Works