The Health Bitch

If you’ve been continuously using CBD for over 6 months, you’re just wasting it at this point! Before using your favorite cannabidiol product again, you need to know this; You’ve built CBD tolerance!

Your body is a lazy trickster! While things around your body change, it tries to adapt to function with the lowest energy possible, without your consent. Once your body has built CBD tolerance, you’re pretty much throwing away your products into the trash by putting them into your system. We connoisseurs hate that!

So, this article covers everything you need to know about CBD tolerance and how to use it efficiently for short and long-term benefits—without wastage.

What is CBD tolerance And How Does It Work?

The human system is one of the most intricate mechanisms in the world. Your immune system constantly identifies foreign substances and organisms and decides whether to seal them off, work with them, or decode their genetics to create antibodies that will kill them.

Likewise, a similar maintenance system functions to regulate the chemistry of your brain, keeping it stable as its environment changes. This process of maintaining chemical balance creates tolerance. Your nervous system doesn’t care whether consuming caffeine, CBD, or sugar feels good or not. If you’re consuming anything that even slightly changes the chemistry inside your brain, the whole central nervous system alters its functions to bring you back to feeling normal again.

The regulatory functions of the brain are not to be blamed, as they play an important role in the survival and maintenance process. Imagine if you never felt hungry. It would sound good for people who want to lose weight, but not so good for those who want to survive.

So, in a way, having even low tolerance to CBD—which you do have when you’re taking it for the first time — protects you from taking too much and mess up your bodily functions.

Can You Build a Tolerance to CBD?

Yes. You can develop a tolerance to CBD even though it is not a psychoactive drug. Through regular consumption of the drug for extended periods, your endogenous chemical factory becomes dependent on external CBD and reduces the production of its own cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids.

To put things simply, building a tolerance to CBD (or any other drug for that matter) will result in making it less effective after each use, which will prompt you to increase the drug intake. To maintain CBD’s effectiveness, your body will need some time to reset and move back to its original state.

How Long Does CBD Tolerance Last?

According to a 2015 study, complete abstinence from CBD for 48 hours will reset your CBD tolerance. Experts say, after 48 hours, your endocannabinoid system (ECS) reaches an inflection point where your endocannabinoid receptors begin to reset. Most experts recommend a break of 48+ hours. 

So, ideally, you would want to wait for 49 hours or more before you move back to using CBD again.

How to Verify Whether You’ve Really Built CBD tolerance?

It’s the time when you’ve stopped feeling CBD’s effects in your system even with higher doses, you’ve built enough tolerance to reasonably stop wasting your stock. This tolerance buildup can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months depending on how much and how often you use it, but experts suggest it generally takes around 6 months.

There are definitely some key data points you should consider to see whether your measurements are accurate when checking your CBD tolerance.

  1. You need to determine exactly how much CBD you’re actually consuming daily. If you’re buying your products from a non-reputable source, then there’s no way of measuring the effectiveness of CBD for you. If you don’t trust the brand you’re currently using, try a different—more reputed one, and gauge your sensitivity from that. The Health Bitch is one original CBD outlet that produces high-quality and purest form of CBD. From CBD roll-ons and face creams to bath bombs and CBD oils, The Health Bitch is your one shop stop for everything CBD-related. Visit our store to find accessories that you’ll love and keep buying again and again!
  2. You cannot determine “the right dosage” because it’s different for everyone. So, if you’re just starting CBD use, find the dose that works for you and move up the dose weekly for 6 months, and then reset. If you’re using CBD and you do not know when you started, make sure that you don’t exceed the recommended limit per day.
  3. Sometimes, for newbies, CBD seems to have little to no effect for weeks. You can see immediate results if you’re using the drug for relaxation and anxiety relief. As for those, the doses are higher. But if you’re using CBD for joint pains, smoother skin or long-term benefits, you must wait for at least two months before you try a different product.

Here are a few more questions you might have…

How to Slow Down The Tolerance Buildup?

Ideally, for every CBD tolerance buildup cycle, try starting with small doses and make gradual increases (about 5mg) every week. This could extend your CBD tolerance buildup period.

Does CBD Create Withdrawal Symptoms?

No. Most people who have stopped using CBD products abruptly don’t feel withdrawal symptoms. This is because CBD is a non-addictive drug. And while addiction to CBD is not very common, it can happen for a few rare instances, which may be placebo or psychological.

When to Stop Taking CBD Before Surgery?

Because CBD liquefies blood, it can cause bleeding during the time of surgery. So, its consumption must be stopped at least 7 days prior to having any surgery.

That’s everything you need to know about CBD tolerance! You can learn more about CBD from our blog posts (links below), or check our store to find high-quality CBD products.

  1. Everything you need to know about YOUR CBD dosage
  2. Read this before you buy another CBD recovery balm
  3. CBD for different kinds of pain? Does it really work?