The Health Bitch

Don’t you agree that there’s aesthetic beauty to the fitness lifestyle? You wake up early morning, brew some hot coffee and prepare your protein shake. While moving from one activity to another, you feel a sense of control and joy, knowing that you’re doing the right things, one at a time. For such silent and stress-free mornings, you need to have a pain-free body, and CBD recovery balm can help you achieve just that!

This article will briefly demonstrate scientifically proven benefits of CBD in muscle recovery, and also, when, how, in what form, and how much CBD you should take for fastest recovery rate and muscle growth.

Does CBD Recovery Balm Work for Muscle Recovery?

Here’s the truth. Your muscles actually break down and become weaker when you expose them to stress and tension at the gym. Muscle tissues only rebuild and get stronger when they’re in a rested state, and this process happens the fastest when you’re asleep. Ironically, you’re not going to the gym to build muscles—but to break them down.

In short, yes! CBD recovery balms, or CBD in any other form, can hasten muscle recovery and improve workout performance.

Scientists have found that proper recovery plays an important role in physiological, psychological and cognitive performance. According to a 2021 study, they’ve concluded that cannabidiol (CBD) plays the following roles in aiding muscle recovery.

  1. Anti-inflammatory effect—(Puts your muscle in recovery mode quickly)
  2. Analgesic effect—(Induces sleep. Good sleep naturally improves and hastens the recovery process)
  3. Anxiolytic—(Keeps anxiety at bay, so your body doesn’t release stress hormones that cause inflammation)
  4. Pain relieving effect—(Eliminates delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)).

The effects mentioned above can also induce a sense of relaxation and reduce inflammation around muscle area caused by unhealthy foods, toxins, injuries and mental stress.

When Should You Take CBD For Fastest Recovery?

Many people prefer taking CBD 30 minutes prior to their workout session because they want to feel its effect while they’re exercising. It is scientifically proven now that CBD improves oxygen delivery, reduces stress, and promotes mobility. These benefits can directly improve your workout performance.

However, if you want to use CBD for muscle recovery or to address muscle fatigue, the timings will be different. We recommend taking CBD in oil form or as balm right after your workout session – along with your protein shake. This will immediately relax your muscles and put them in recovery mode.

To benefit from CBD during sleep time, you can either take tinctures or apply CBD recovery balm on the targeted muscle area. For instance, if you’ve trained your biceps, apply the balm directly on the bicep region.

Another option is using CBD bath bombs before sleep. For this one, you must use warm water, as it open your skin pores and allows CBD to seep deep into your skin and tissues. CBD’s sedative quality will improve your sleep by allowing you to stay in a deep sleep state for longer periods. The longer you stay in a deep sleep state, the faster your muscle rebuild themselves.

What’s The Best CBD Product For Muscle Recovery?

Some of you might think CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects could also hinder “good” inflammation, which could dampen muscle building signals. Here’s the truth—CBD can have anti-inflammatory effects, but it’s not an anti-inflammatory drug. Cannabidiol works together with your central nervous system to regulate inflammation, and not hinder it. This could be the reason some people claim CBD has actually helped them build muscle.

When it comes to the dosage and route of administration, both can differ for every individual and need. From our experience, we’ve seen that most fitness enthusiasts prefer CBD recovery balms and bath bombs (over tinctures and oils), as they allow efficient use of CBD in the desired location. And CBD recovery balms and creams have no consensus around the right dosage because people use them just like any other cream. So, you can do the same, and find your ideal dose until you’ve reached the desired results. We recommend starting from small doses initially.

With our products, we’ve made all the steps as simple as possible. With exact CBD concentration in petroleum jelly form, you don’t have to worry about taking too much or too little while using our full spectrum CBD recovery balm. Just rub it on your skin, ideally near fatigued muscle tissue, and it’ll seep in within seconds.


Adding CBD recovery balm and other products can be yet another way to enhance your lifestyle and wellbeing. When you start your morning feeling fully refreshed and active, you naturally wish to make the most out of the day.

But hey! Don’t listen to us. Our customers say that CBD has helped them stay on track and perform consistently 365 days a year. They’ve made a difference through their commitment to staying disciplined. Now that’s something!

Here are some more informative reads:

  1. Can you really trust the FDA
  2. Holistic lifestyle: What’s in it for you?