The Health Bitch

When it comes to CBD, there has been a lot of stigmata around what it cannot do and why it shouldn’t be taken. While stories claiming CBD to be a god-sent gift to humanity may be a hoax, new studies have unveiled some of its miraculous pain relieving benefits. So, is CBD really effective for pain relief?

Yes, it is! Many clinical studies have proven its effectiveness in dealing with various condition-induced pains associated with arthritis, cancer, migraine, spasm, neuropathy and multiple sclerosis.

This article will unveil the results of some science-backed studies which prove CBD’s effectiveness as an analgesic (painkiller) and also enlighten you on how you can personalize it for pain management.

CBD For Migraines

Every 1 in 5 women and 1 in 15 men suffer from migraine. We don’t know why migraine happens from a biological standpoint, but we know taking stress contributes to its development. Studies suggest that psychological stress creates an abnormal chemistry in the brain, which further leads to several mental health conditions.

A migraine’s duration can be between 4 to 72 hours. The fastest way to deal with those annoying headaches is through taking CBD sublingually (Keeping CBD oil under the tongue for at least 60 seconds). Once CBD enters your body, you can feel a soothing effect just after 15-20 minutes, which can generally last you 2 to 6 hours of pain-free time.

A majority of people assert that hemp oil-form is the best CBD for migraine treatment. Here are some high-quality CBD and CBG oils you can get from our store right now!

CBD For Muscle Pain

For gym goers, CBD can indirectly improve muscle growth. How?

Well, You know CBD is popular for its relaxing and sedative effects. So, in its lotion and balm form, it can help release muscle tension and soothe muscle soreness. But besides that, CBD is also effective at improving sleep quality, which improves muscle recovery and indirectly gives a better payoff for every time you hit the gym!

In addition, for people who get muscle cramps, numbness and stiffness easily, or those who experience pain from sitting straight for too long due to the nature of their work, CBD can be a lifesaver!

Whether you’re cramming for an exam, working, or just sitting through hours of meditation, CBD can give you the edge you need without breaking your back.

Get your balms and lotions at thehealthbitch store today!

CBD For Cancer Pain Management

A great deal of clinical evidence proves CBD’s effectiveness in eliminating cancer-related symptoms. Experts also suggest that it could take an integrative part in supporting overall wellbeing among cancer patients.

CBD For Neuropathic Pain Relief

Neuropathic pain is a type of pain that specifically happens from dysfunctional and damaged nerves. So, if someone has pinched nerves from stiffness or has lost their limb from an accident, they may experience neuropathic pain from time to time.

CBD, as lotions and tinctures, can resolve phantom limb issues and ease pain.

CBD For Chronic Pain Management

Chronic pains can last for over 3 months, and using painkillers for so long can cause cardiovascular issues. Not just that! Some painkillers can even create dependency and addiction, cause liver, kidney and heart damage.

Don’t worry! Avoiding one suffering brings forth another suffering — no more. CBD is a great alternative to over-the-counter painkilling drugs. You can use it long-term and have zero to minimal side effects, while also improve your overall wellbeing in the process.

How Much CBD Should You Take For Chronic Pain?

Most people start from 40mg CBD when they’re experience severe pain, and increase the dose by 5mg every consecutive week. However, consult your physician before using CBD for any medical purpose, as a physician can help you use a CBD product more effectively.

Can CBD Help With Arthritic Pain?

A very recent 2022 study suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) consumption has shown improvements in patient’s arthritic symptoms. It also proves that CBD intake has reduced the use of other prescription drugs among many patients.

As arthritic pain is usually not severe and is manageable for most people, taking CBD under lower doses would suffice. Experts recommend an initial dose of 5 to 10 mg CBD, which may increase with time.

CBD And Multiple Sclerosis Correlation

Multiple sclerosis is a condition responsible for causing vision loss, fatigue, pain, and muscle coordination. This happens when your immune system mistakenly attacks your brain and nervous system. This results in deterioration of the protective walls around the nerve cells.

We know cannabidiol has a proven record for reducing pain, inflammation, fatigue, depression and spasticity. The good news is, CBD consumption has also proven to improve mobility among people with multiple sclerosis. In addition, a mice study also suggests that it can even help halt MS from progressing.


Don’t be bothered by naysayers. After all, whenever something new hits the market, people tend to resist it for a while. At the end of the day, we know CBD is effective for pain relief. There is enough clinical evidence backing it up and people are benefiting from it as per personal accounts.

That’s it for this one! Want to read more?

  1. CBD Dosage: What’s Your Ideal Dose?
  2. What is CBD? Can It Get You High?